Aya Arrives!Text Box: Home
Text Box: Step one:  Beat jetlag by going to the pool!  Aya enjoyed an afternoon at the pool with the kids.  Games of catch, tag and eating snacks at break can break through all language barriers!
Oval: Look at our 
Washington D.C.
Text Box: On Saturday Audrey took a flight with her Dad, and Aya, the kids and I all went out to the airport to meet them as they landed.  Aya liked seeing the inside of the airplane, and watching them take off and land.
Text Box: Afterwards, we took Aya to her first American ‘real’ restaurant!  TGIFriday’s where she ordered a hot dog and French fries.  
Text Box: On Saturday night for dinner, Aya cooked!  She made us a traditional Japanese summer dish called “Somen.”  It is a cold noodle dish that was delish!  We all enjoyed it, and it was nice to eat something cool on this hot, hot day!!  I had eaten it in Japan before, and loved it.  It was so great to taste it again!  
Text Box: Uno is a big hit in our house!  The kids play it almost every day, and Aya is quite a master at it!  And, it’s fun too!!  
Text Box: When it is 95 and humid...there is a lot of time spent at the pool!  Here we visited Kevin and Eric (Eric and Spencer were getting dressed) for an evening swim!
Text Box: On Friday, we went to our friends Jennifer’s house.  She has LOTS of critters!!  Aya got to hold a baby chick, pet a lizard and see tarantulas!  Jennifer also has a pool— a big hit! 
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Washington DC
New York City
Spencer’s Birthday
Build A Bear
Goodbye Party
Text Box: Jump to page:

Washington DC
New York City
Spencer’s Birthday
Build A Bear
Goodbye Party