
We recently read a book called Foxy’s Tale, about a champion Alaskan sled dog.  The kids really enjoyed the story, and at the end we emailed the author.  He very generously emailed us back, and met us in Gainesville to give us a Foxy’s Tale tee shirt, and sign our book.  The kids asked him lots of questions and had a great time meeting a ‘famous person!’ 

Audrey drew a picture of what she thought Foxy looked like for Mr. White

The kids with Ed White, author of Foxy’s Tale in Gainesville, after he signed our book.  He is holding the picture Audrey made for him. 

This was a great book!  Made better by meeting Mr. Ed White.  Here you see the shirt, and a signed copy of our book.  If your family is interested in learning about sled dogs, this is a great place to start.  If you’d like to order a copy of this book you can do so by emailing or they have it on the Iditarod site too! 

We have not picked our mushers yet.  We plan to do it this week, as the race is right around the corner!  We have limited our choices to:  Dee Dee Jonroe, Doug Swingley, Martin Buser, Jeff King (winner last year) and Aliy Zirkle.

Text Box: In the end, this was the break down:  Audrey and Spencer chose one person that was a sure bet, and another who was an ‘underdog’ with little support from the site we were looking at.  So, Audrey chose Dee Dee Jonroe, who scratched at Rainy Pass because of broken bones, and illness, and Gerald Sousa who scratched in Grayling.  Poor Audrey!
Spencer chose Jeff King and Jim Lanier who both finished the race.  Jeff King finished in fifth place, while Jim Lanier finished twenty seventh!