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Science MuseumOval: The Omniplex Science Museum is a hands on museum in Oklahoma City.  The kids and I spent a day there, seeing everything they had to offer, including a planetarium and an Imax movie about the wetlands and Katrina.

Audrey learns how sound waves travel through metal causing sand to make patterns on the metal plate depending on how and where you use the bow.  COOL!~

Row Row Row your boat!

Malena explores bubble making apparatus!

What people eat from around the world!

Oh Give me a home...Oval: Malena discovers why being called a bird brain is truly an insult!

Full life sized train exhibit.  Truly, can you feel the joy on Cade’s face? 

He looks really high doesn’t he?

Oval: This was our favorite science ‘experiment’ in the place.  I got all the kids on this one.  The premise, is simple really.  
Read the sign.
What does it say?