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Yes, it is true, we here at Ramseycentral didn’t have enough critter’s in our house, so now we have a leopard gecko.  She arrived here from a family friend whose teenagers were finished with the pet, and passed it on to us.  Yesterday, Audrey and Spencer have been working to learn all they needed to know about this guy, and, come to find is a girl!  How do you tell?  Well, stay tuned, because you never know when you may run into a leopard gecko and be in need of telling what, or who it is! 

So here are the questions and answers my kids came up with.


Where are leopard geckos from originally?  (clearly, they didn’t originate in Petsmart)


           A:  Leopard geckos are originally from Iran, Afghanistan, Western India and Pakistan

           S:  Leopard geckos live in dry areas such as Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.


What is the habitat leopard geckos live in? 


           A:  Leopard geckos live in a deserty environment, hot with sand and lots of hiding places.  But if you have not had a leopard gecko before, then sand is not a good choice because they will occasionally eat it, and sometimes cause problems.

           S:  Leopard geckos live in dry sandy or dry rocky places.


What is the diet of the leopard gecko?  In the wild?  In captivity?


           A:  In the wild, leopard geckos hunt at night, preying on insects such as spiders and crickets.  But if they are really adventuresome, some leopard geckos will try to get a baby field mouse.

           S:  Leopard geckos eat many types of crickets and worms and locust or cockroaches. (but only cricket here)


How long do leopard geckos live?


           A:  Leopard geckos live from 15-20 years. (so don’t be tempted to buy this thing unless you plan on making a LONG term commitment) Well fed geckos can live 19-22 years and the oldest gecko was 27 years old.  (Lord help me, and this thing if I am still looking at it 25 years from now!)

           S:  Leopard geckos live 15-20 years.


How do you tell if they are boys or girls?


           A:  It is easy to tell if you have a boy or a girl gecko.  If they are boys they have a distinct set of pre-anal pores in a V like pattern between its back legs, if not, it is a girl.  (Hence the title.)

           S:  Showed me pictures on this site.