American Airlines Museum

Because Beth had been to TX a few times, we were looking to do something a little different than what she normally does.  American Airline museum fit to bill!  The museum not only covered the history of American Airlines, but it showed the kids how a plane flies.  There was a very overdone movie about how wonderful AA is as a company, which made us all laugh!

The central part of the museum had a full sized plane the kids could go inside of.  It was clearly an old plane that had been in use for many years—as the kids will tell you, the lavoratory still carried some original odors!  Eww!  The kids thought it was cool to touch the plane inside and out!  Even the propellers could be handled.  Various other displays showed plane engines, old fashioned planes, and even unsual cargo planes have carried, and carry today! 

The flight simulator finished up our tour!

I found this picture on the right particularly funny—When have you seen a meal like this being served on a plane recently?